Your Free Financial Analysis


Millennials interested in an ongoing relationship that fit at least one of the following:

  • Tech Professionals

  • Early to Mid-Career Professionals

  • Receive Equity/Stock Compensation (RSUs, stock options, restricted stock, etc.)

  • Dual income/career couples


A complimentary review and analysis of your current financial situation, including:

  • Cash Flow

  • Equity Compensation

  • Investments

  • Tax Analysis

  • Retirement/Optionality


An extension of goodwill and so you know what you can expect by working together on an ongoing basis.

Any value you receive is my gift to you.

No cost or obligation!

Just your time and energy!

The THRIVE Process

Take a short questionnaire

Take a short-questionnaire and then schedule your introductory meeting.

Have Introductory Meeting

The introductory meeting will be a time to hear more about you, your situation, and what you’re looking for. It’s also a time to hear about me, my firm, my process and services, how I serve my clients, my fees, and to ask any questions.

Relay Data & Important Info

This next meeting is to gather all the necessary data for the analysis as well as talk about your goals, values, vision, and more.

I Get to Work

Value Delivered

Once I have all the information I can get to work on your analysis.

We’ll meet again to go through the analysis and plan of action together. I’ll also go over the proposal of what an ongoing relationship / engagement looks like if there’s a good fit.

Evaluate and Decide

In this step you’ll take some time to evaluate if you want to move forward with partnering together or if there’s another route that’s in your best interest. I have no deadlines. It’s a big decision. Meet with multiple advisors. Partner with the advisor that’s going to provide the most value and serve you best.